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Renning Crimping Tool for Tyco and MC
Cat. No. REN-094-0123
Weight 1 lbs

Tools from Multi-Contact and Tyco for crimping the pins on their connectors.  There is a tool for each type of connector, also a high quality tool from Rennteig that has a set of dies and positioners for MC Solarline 1 and 2 and Tyco connectors, 10, 12 and 14 AWG wire.

Reennsteig Crimping Tool for Tyco and MC:  This tool comes with 3 die-sets and 3 pin positioners for crimping MC Solarline 1 and 2 pins and Tyco Solarlok pins on 14, 12 and 10 AWG stranded wire.  Comes with molded plastic caring case.

Rennsteig Stripper item # REN-94.0128 and Cutter item # REN-94.0129 for 14, 12 and 10 AWG  you need to call us for pricing.

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